This cookbook comes with many thoughts in mind to express ourselves to well-written recipes as many cookbooks in the market. In this book, the authors exhibited the traditional delicacies of Bandung, Indonesia. Historically, the traditional delicacies of Bandung, Indonesia are interrelated to the Malaysian traditional delicacies. Both traditional delicacies unarguably are using somewhat similar ingredients found in South East Asia region such as coconut milk, rice, sticky rice, shredded coconut, limes, turmeric, ginger, palm sugar and many more, to prepare the main dishes until dessert. However, the differences between Malaysia and Indonesia delicacies probably found in the cooking methods and palate preferences of the cook. Therefore, this book served as a platform for introducing and disseminated information about the traditional dessert (cakes) in Indonesia and Malaysia delicacies. The contents of this cookbook are including the introduction, recipe names, cooking methods, ingredients needed for making cakes and the useful tips in making cakes. All material, information and recipes in this cookbook have been obtained from the interviews, sharing sessions and also the references from the literatures. Therefore, this cookbook is suitable for all, and is intended specifically for domestic and international visitors and tourists’ markets. Hopefully, the information and explanations from this cookbook will help and benefited the targeted groups.
The Recipes: Traditional Delicacies of Bandung, Indonesia Volume 1
Nik Alif Amri Nik Hashim
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia.
Selvi Novianti
Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung, Indonesia.
Abdullah Muhamed Yusoff
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia.
Nur Hafizah Muhammad
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia.
Zaimatul Awang
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia.
Roslizawati Che Aziz
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia.
Book Details
Author | Nik Alif Amri Nik Hashim |
Pages | 25 |
Publisher | Book Publisher International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-93-90431-64-9 (Print) |
Published | Dec 31, 2020 |