Diseases of Different Crops in Zoba Anseba of Eritrea

Syed Danish Yaseen Naqvi
Department of Plant Protection, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Hamelmalo, Eritrea.
G. Sethumadhava Rao
Department of Plant Protection, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Hamelmalo, Eritrea.

Book Details


Syed Danish Yaseen Naqvi
G. Sethumadhava Rao




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-89562-96-5 (Print)
978-93-89562-97-2 (eBook)


December 7, 2019

About The Author / Editor

G. Sethumadhava Rao

Department of Plant Protection, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Hamelmalo, Eritrea.

Syed Danish Yaseen Naqvi

Department of Plant Protection, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Hamelmalo, Eritrea.

This handbook on “Diseases of different crops in Zoba Anseba of Eritrea” includes the disease development, symptomotology and appropriate measurements to control the infections and also provides the way for Research and Extension in Anseba region to address the most prominent disease problems and provide the solution to the farmers.

In Eritrea, field crops and vegetable crops are affected by various diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and other insect pests. However, there is meager information on the infections caused by abiotic and biotic factors. This small book may help to the students and researchers.