Banana: Benefits, Cultivation, Post-Harvest and Processed, in Indonesia

Tri Sudaryono
National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.

Sri Satya Antarlina
National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.

Dwi Setyorini
National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.

Book Details


Tri Sudaryono
Sri Satya Antarlina
Dwi Setyorini




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-19039-38-8 (Print)
978-81-19039-39-5 (eBook)


January 24, 2023

About The Author / Editor

Dwi Setyorini

National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.

Sri Satya Antarlina

National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.

Tri Sudaryono

National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.

This book contains various types of bananas that are popular in Indonesia, and the benefits of banana plants for human life, especially for Indonesian people. This book describes the needs of appropriate agroecological requirements for banana plants. In addition, it also displays banana production centers in Indonesia. Then he also explained the technology of banana cultivation, starting from the types of seed propagation and seed propagation techniques, land preparation, timing and planting, plant maintenance, spacing, and maintenance of plant stems. We authors also tell about harvesting methods, and postharvest handling including collecting, sorting, sorting and ripening bananas. This book also describes the monoculture cropping model or intercropping with other crops, as well as presents an economic analysis of banana cultivation, the processing of unripe bananas into ripe bananas, and the processing of bananas into other forms of food.

The author hopes to provide a complete picture of the development and handling of the popular banana commodity in Indonesia.