Chatra district of Jharkhand comes under rain-fed agriculture. Only 7% area comes under assured irrigation. Productivity of Cereal, Pulses and Oilseed is comparatively low with respect to other districts of Jharkhand. Given the challenges surrounding the growing population, resource constraints and environment disruption including climate change and pandemic outbreak Jharkhand needs sustainable agriculture development not only to meet its full demands but also to increase the income in double fold. It is only possible by planning and execution of programmes on time.
For proper planning understanding and interpretation of data by implementing agency and beneficiary is pre requisite. PRA tools and techniques are facilitating to understand actual problem and their solution in implanting situation.
I appreciate all the scientists and staffs those who are involved in conducting and documenting observation which are collected through PRA excercise and I hope the prepareed document will definetely help extension officers and scientists for planning.