Advances and Trends in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 2

Dr. Mohammad Reza Naroui Rad, (Editor)
Department of Horticultural Crops Research, Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Sistan, Iran.

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Book Details


Dr. Mohammad Reza Naroui Rad




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-89562-14-9 (Print)
978-93-89562-15-6 (eBook)


October 11, 2019

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Mohammad Reza Naroui Rad

Department of Horticultural Crops Research, Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Sistan, Iran.

This book covers all areas of agricultural sciences. The contributions by the authors include African egg plant; harvesting techniques; financial profitability; smallholder farmers; phenology; seed; stomata; tree; C. zizanioides; urban dumpsite soil; industrial waste soil; mechanic village soil; irrigative soils of dry subtropical zones; quantity of microorganisms; crop rotation; constant (permanent) cultures; coefficient of mineralization; grain maize; grain quality; postharvest losses; cucumber; nematicide; oxamyl; browse plants; sheep intake; weight gain; rural communities; agricultural development; rural transformation; genotype vs environment interaction; oilseed; floriculture; Brassica juncea L.; drought; deficit irrigation; mutualism; plant growth; halophyte plants; arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus; saline reject; watershed sediment yield; semiarid region; sediment delivery ratio; erosion etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of agricultural sciences.