The world’s population is increasing day by day. More the population, more the resources required by the country to meet their basic demands. In developing countries the availability of lands, accessibility to quality water decreasing with the passage of time but on the other side population is on increasing side. The Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) adopts greater importance for sound management of farm resources to enhance the farm productivity and reduce the environmental degradation, improve the quality of life of resource, poor farmers and maintain sustainability. Better resource management is a key to avert these shortages otherwise situation will become more complex. In this concern Integrated Farming System (IFS) for sustainability will be a good way to sustain production and productivity for longer time.
The ultimate goal of this book “A Textbook of Integrated Farming Systems for Sustainable Agriculture” is to increase food production and maintaining sustainability on a continuous basis by generation of revenue to small and marginal farmers who faces money shortage during the specific growing period of crop.
Despite our best efforts, it’s still conceivable that a mistake happened in the book’s editing or modification. We welcome and appreciate any additional inquiries as well as thoughtful criticism about how we can make this book better. Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to Dr. D.D. Yadav, Dr. V.K Verma, Dr. M. Z. Siddiqui, Professor, Dept. of Agronomy, Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology Kanpur (U.P.) India, for their Support and Guide to publish this book.