Cutting-edge Research in Agricultural Sciences Vol. 1

Dr. Ahmed Medhat Mohamed Al-Naggar, (Editor)
Professor of Plant Breeding, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt.

Book Details


Dr. Ahmed Medhat Mohamed Al-Naggar




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)



Aug 08, 2020

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Ahmed Medhat Mohamed Al-Naggar

Professor of Plant Breeding, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt.

This book covers all areas of agricultural sciences. The contributions by the authors include WARM, Oryza sativa L., simulation model, flooded conditions, yield forecast, climate change, guava, fertility, nutrition, organic fertilizers, chickpea, front line demonstration, extension gap, yield gap, bud necrosisi virus, tospovirus, tomato, molecular detection, Kurnool dt, plant products, rice insect pests, natural enemies, fruit peel, natural fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, backyard composting, organic waste, carrot packaging, carrot storage, carrot decay, non-climacteric, ethylene action inhibitor, alley cropping, alley width, organic manure, groundnut, Gliricidia, economics, alfalfa seed, production area, yield, cultivation measures, pearl millet, farmers’ preference, participatory varietal selection, heat tolerant, proline, Triticum aestivum, bitter gourd, path co-efficient analysis, yield components, growing media, irrigation level, yield, water usage efficiency, greenhouse etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of agricultural sciences.