Thank you God, for bestowing a wealth of wisdom, albeit one that we hardly ever retain. “The OmpA and Rz/Rz1 Analysis Techniques” is the title of the book the author is now thanking for helping it finish. The author received a lot of assistance from several sources during preparation, especially from Prof. Dr. Eddy Bagus Wasito, dr., MS, SpMK (K), Dr. Wiwiek Tyasningsih, drh, M.Kes, and Prof. Dr. Nuzirwan Acang, dr., DTM&H, SpPD, KHOM, FINASIM.
That’s where it all began, and hopefully it might make you a little happier and inspire you to take the next step. The author, however, believes that the book’s contents still have a lot of flaws, thus he or she is hoping for helpful feedback and ideas in order to improve “The OmpA and Rz/Rz1 Analysis Techniques”.
Thanks to the readers from the author. The author hopes that this book will be helpful to all readers in the end.