This book examines many of the social conditions of young people, culture, subcultures, injuries, needs and many other things related to the situation of young people. One of the main goals of compiling the book Sociology of Youth is to understand the different situations and aspects of their lives, and to make them social. In this way, this growing population will find a better way of life. Another purpose of the present book is to discuss the subcultures of young people, and to provide solutions to solve their problems, which is the result of many contradictions in the social structure of societies. The culture and way of life of today’s youth is in many ways in conflict with industrial culture, and what industry has made and paid for. While today’s youth face many instances of friction and alienation, which are themselves rooted in racial and ethnic origins, and are felt in many societies, a significant portion of youth sociology in the relevant societies focuses on this phenomenon. / Is a social issue. This topic is generally searchable in societies with cultural diversity.
For the active participation of young people in different sectors of society, as well as to promote their productivity as much as possible, the study of young people is sociologically crucial. In this way, the needs and concerns of young people can be identified, and as a result, the contribution they can make to society can be realized. Since the needs of today’s youth, including their health, well-being, family planning, employment, etc., are greater than ever in the past, their sociological study will ultimately provide for their needs. Socio-economic modernization of societies, which continues continuously and inevitably, affects the way of life, patterns and living conditions of young people in various ways, and during such changes, the greatest impact is on young people. In contrast, young people themselves have the greatest impact on changing patterns and advancing modernization goals. Sociology always evaluates young people in the direction of their movement, according to the changes that take place in them.
Young people in every society are the most united, influential, and at the same time influential. Also, investing in educational, scientific and ethical sectors, according to the intended goals, has an effective role in the development and dynamism of young people. Therefore, cultural capital, which itself comes from education and training, gives fame and prestige to people, especially young people. Therefore, by creating the necessary conditions, achieving such credibility for the youth, the ground for the development and excellence of societies can also be provided. While the individual and collective identity of young people is formed from the public space of the family, the facilities available and how to invest in it, this trend should always be considered by policy makers. The physical environment, including urban, non-urban, industrial, etc., each in its place, affect the quality of life of young people. Therefore, from a sociological point of view, they should always be considered and policy-making. The youth of the present age have found more choice through the use of industrial and technological achievements. Also, the two currents of industrialization and globalization have changed the expectations and demands of young people; That is, a phenomenon that, if ignored, leads to many problems in different societies. Within a generation, even the issues of young people are different in terms of gender, social class, family structure, workplace, etc.; Therefore, socialization should be applied according to the conditions between them. Sociology of youth emphasizes that in order to achieve human development, adequate investment in various sectors should be applied to the younger generation until the age of less than twenty, so that this population can enter adulthood more readily.
Youth sociology explains how and to what extent countries with high population growth are under pressure in terms of young people’s demand for jobs and employment resources, which in turn has led to massive inward and outbound migration of young people. has brought. One of the problems of the present age among the youth is the social “alienation” among the youth; That is, what arises from unbalanced industrial and social development. On the other hand, improving the quality of its young population also improves the quality of products and services in a given community. Also, any change in the quality of life of the young generation depends on the economic growth and development of communities. Among the important issues addressed by the sociology of youth are the various dimensions of marriage between this changing society, including the age of marriage, delay in marriage, incompatibilities arising from the event of divorce, fertility, etc. between young people. While some scholars cite the proliferation of young people, especially in developing societies, as a challenge, others see it as an opportunity, and the judgment between the two perspectives is based on sociological theories themselves. On the other hand, following the transformation of young people from quantity to quality, social capital is strengthened in a society.
Street children also pave the way for the emergence of future unhealthy youth in any society; That is, young people who will potentially and possibly have street children. This sequence is traceable in many cities of less developed societies. The increase in urbanization is due to a higher unemployment rate simply because in the past rural / agricultural communities many young people were attracted to agricultural jobs; Even hidden in the form of the unemployed. Young people spend more time in the education system, starting work at an older age, and also getting married later than their counterparts in the 1980s; That is, a set of changes that are of great sociological importance. Because young people are in different societies and in different cultural contexts, the scenario of social anomalies, including domestic violence and divorce, is at different levels. One of the main goals of youth sociology is to study the indicators of employment, unemployment and migration among this growing population, especially in the less developed societies of the world, which the present book deals with such indicators in different seasons.
Because Africa has a much larger youth population than the rest of the world, the study of this population is extremely important from a sociological perspective of its youth; That is, their marginal living conditions, the unemployment rate between them, and how much they are exposed to many communicable diseases. Because young people are generally exposed to many social and family injuries and tensions, their access to counseling and social work services is very important. By providing such services, young people can be guided as much as possible in the movement of social, economic, artistic and cultural development. In general, one of the weaknesses of developing societies is the lack or limitation of counseling and social work services in such societies and among young people, and this has caused many of them to not be able to use their capacities and capabilities well.