Rhythm of Communication in the Structure of Communicative Didactical Activity of the Physical Education Teacher and the method of its Formation

Aftimichuk Olga
State University of Physical Education and Sports, Moldova.

Book Details


Aftimichuk Olga




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-91595-54-8 (Print)
978-93-91595-55-5 (eBook)


July 29, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Aftimichuk Olga

State University of Physical Education and Sports, Moldova.

The range of issues related to rhythm is so wide and varied that its study requires the joint activity of specialists in various fields of scientific knowledge. This monograph defines the pedagogical vector of the category “rhythm” in the field of theory and methodology of professional and pedagogical training of specialists in physical education.

It is presented the modern paradigm of musical-rhythmic education in the professional training of a specialist in physical culture, where an emphasis is placed on the upbringing of a sense of rhythm and, on its basis, the formation of such a psychomotor quality as coordination, moreover, of an integrated (integrative) plan. This quality is very important for physical education teachers, since it manifests itself in the simultaneous ability to see (students), listen (music, a group of students), move (do physical exercises, correct the movements of students), speak (explain, accompany the exercises, make comments, manage a group, etc.). In this aspect, special attention should be paid to the section devoted to the complex of knowledge and skills of the rhythm of didactic communication of a physical education teacher, where the features of the teacher’s didactic activity are considered and, on this basis, puts forward rhythm as the most important means of organizing speech.

The monograph presents a methodology for the formation of students’ knowledge and skills of the rhythm of didactic communication, as well as a program of the course “Methodology for the formation of the rhythm of didactic communication among students of physical culture institutes”, the implementation of which makes it possible to expand not only the volume of knowledge and skills of the rhythm of didactic communication, but also to increase the level of general theoretical and methodological training of students.

In the presented work, for the first time, an attempt was made to theoretically develop the problem of the rhythmic-structural and linguistic organization of didactic communication of a physical education teacher on the basis of concepts that define the category of communication as a type and side of activity, the learning process as a communication process, a didactic situation as a text, and a rhythmic-structural unit of micro-text as a speech tact.

The direction presented in the monograph is quite relevant, since, due to its theoretical conceptual orientations and practical-methodological arguments, it is aimed at improving the professional training of specialists in the field of physical culture.

In the presented work, for the first time, an attempt was made to theoretically develop the problem of the rhythmic-structural and linguistic organization of didactic communication of a physical education teacher on the basis of concepts that define the category of communication as a type and side of activity, the learning process as a communication process, a didactic situation as a text, and a rhythmic-structural unit of micro-text as a speech tact.

The direction presented in the monograph is quite relevant, since, due to its theoretical conceptual orientations and practical-methodological arguments, it is aimed at improving the professional training of specialists in the field of physical culture.