Perspectives of Arts and Social Studies Vol. 4

Dr. E. Seda Koc, (Editor)
Department of Child Development, Vocational School of Health Sciences, Namık Kemal University, Turkey.

Book Details


Dr. E. Seda Koc




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-89562-81-1 (Print)
978-93-89562-82-8 (eBook)


April 15, 2020

About The Author / Editor

Dr. E. Seda Koc

Assistant Professor, Department of Child Development, Vocational School of Health Sciences, Namık Kemal University, Turkey.

This book covers all areas of arts and social studies. The contributions by the authors include translingualism; multilingualism; multilingual classrooms; economy empirical evidence; economic crisis; poverty alleviation; teaching strategies and procedures; Kuhn’s philosophy and history of science; tourism development strategy; tourism policy; tourist friendly destination; emotional regulation; behavioural regulation; music heritage; musical repertoire; Turkish Yoruks in western part of NR Macedonia; academic performance; personality psychology; social psychology; transformational leadership style; work motivation; performance of Islamic bank etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of arts and social studies.