Perspective of Recent Advances in Medical Research Vol. 7

Dr. Pietro Scicchitano
Department of Cardiology, Hospital “F. Perinei” Altamura (BA), Italy.

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Book Details


Dr. Pietro Scicchitano




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-19039-20-3 (Print)
978-81-19039-15-9 (eBook)


January 20, 2023

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Pietro Scicchitano

Department of Cardiology, Hospital “F. Perinei” Altamura (BA), Italy.

This book covers key areas of Medical Research. The contributions by the authors include comorbidities, cancer cells, health management, multidrug resistance, vaginal agenesis, hematometra, low lying transpalatal arch, deglutition, anterior open bite malocclusion, pre-adjusted edgewise appliance therapy, biosurfactant, microorganism, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, feto-maternal outcome, inguinal hernia, optic nerve, myelitis, neuromyelitis optica, papilledema, COVID-19, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease acute exacerbation, nebulization therapy, non-invasive ventilation, cellular therapy, blood-brain barrier, wound healing, cataract surgery, local anesthesia, and ultrasound. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Medical Research.