This book covers key areas of Education and Social Studies. The contributions by the authors include Human emotional stress, environmental pollution, human genome instability and sensitivity, G O’s oeuvre, driver’s dexterity, shapes/images, “the real people”, Safety on the Nigerian Road, Niger Delta, fototales, peoples, relics and issues, images and words, PEOPLES, RELICS and ISSUES, Legalization of proceeds from crime, criminal liability, Money Laundering, Biography, provisional, metamorphosis, hermeneutic, paradigm shift, re-upholster, deceptive silence of stolen voices, Stained Glass Designs, Native language teaching, teaching kindergarten mathematics, language as a medium, Classical issues in philosophy, fundamental social and political science problems, Dowding, Weber, Myrdal, Montesquieu, natural law, legal positivism, legal realism, legal pragmatism, oriental despotism, Literacy, interventions, reading, writing, speaking, listening, performance in language subjects, Smartphone, negative, effect, undergraduates, benefits and problems associated with smartphone, Education systems, scientist formation, research policy, health educational policy, Concept of “Teacher”, Multiple intelligence, spiritual intelligence, western and Islamic perspectives, Innovative behaviour, influence, systematic literature review, school, teachers, Factors Influencing Teachers’ Innovative Behaviour etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Education and Social Studies.
New Horizons in Education and Social Studies Vol. 5
Dr. E. Seda Koc, (Editor)
Department of Child Development, Vocational School of Health Sciences, Namık Kemal University, Turkey.
Book Details
Editor | Dr. E. Seda Koc |
Pages | 162 |
Publisher | Book Publisher International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-81-948567-6-4 (Print) |
Published | Oct 29, 2020 |