This book covers key areas of engineering research. The contributions by the authors include high-resolution image, deep learning, Convolutional neural network (CNN), Feature extraction, image classification, Local binary pattern, graphene, graphite, carbon, bidimensional, biofuel, energy crops, annual, perennial, miscanthus, cardoon, switchgrass, SWOT analysis, hyperbolic paraboloid free roof, porosity, wind tunnel experiment, main wind force resisting system, wind force coefficient, codification, parameter design, load analysis, accelerated life testing, architecture, urbanism, digital games, cyberculture, constraint based routing, delay, localized routing, blocking probability, widest shortest path, underwater non-equilibrium electric discharge, plasma-chemical synthesis of a sorbent, plasma module, cesium and strontium radionuclides, disactivation of water and soil, hydroseparation, plasma treatment, solar plant monitoring, texas Instrument, internet of things, amazon web services, amazon IOT Core, Amazon S3 Bucket, amazon Kinesis, wireless communication, augmented reality, optical flow, hidden Markov model, and neural network processing and active appearance model, kinematics of robots, single link robotic arm, link flexibility, assumed modes method and payload effect. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of engineering research.
New Approaches in Engineering Research Vol. 3
Dr. Giovanni Bucci, (Editor)
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Information and economy University of L’Aquila Italy.
Book Details
Editor | Dr. Giovanni Bucci |
Pages | 151 |
Publisher | B P International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-93-91312-84-8 (Print) |
Published | June 21, 2021 |