Metallic Glass Matrix Composites III: Book of Abstracts

Dr. Muhammad Musaddique Ali Rafique
CEO, Eastern Engineering Solutions LLC, Detroit, MI, USA..

Book Details


Dr. Muhammad Musaddique Ali Rafique




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-90431-57-1 (Print)
978-93-90431-65-6 (eBook)


Dec 31, 2020

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Muhammad Musaddique Ali Rafique

CEO, Eastern Engineering Solutions LLC, Detroit, MI, USA.

Metallic glass matrix composites are emerging class of materials and this field is rapidly evolving from its predecessor – bulk metallic glasses. It nicely overcomes the problems offered by former and addresses them to reach a new class with improved toughness, elastic strain limit while retaining strength and hardness. This monograph is a compilation of abstracts presented at third conference of series which originally started two years ago in Columbus, Ohio. Many new studies have emerged since then and a lot of progress has been made both in theoretical / simulation studies as well as in experimental work. Aim has been to build a full-scale part / component with complex geometry with superior properties. To this end, this book contributes a lot. Talks are arranged into two sessions according to their topic, scope, and field of expertise of author. Further, an effort has also been made to pinpoint future directions and possible evolutions. We hope this symposium will serve as emerging and continuous platform to serve the needs of this community, expand it and help in realization of dream of application of these materials to solve complex engineering problems. From the platform of sponsors, Eastern Engineering Solutions LLC, we remain.