Nature has been abused for some considerable time already, and still continues to be abused. Now, nature is fighting us back, increasingly stronger for some time, and it seems clearly that we are going to lose this fight, not only because we are not intelligent enough, but rather because we are also arrogant and greedy.
Some time ago a joke has appeared that by being a bicyclist, who in fact myself I am, I am killing the world economy. Truth is, the present day world economy model is already long time ago an unhealthy and ill one and will anyway, by all means, very soon die, due to lack of enough cyclists. Though, the question remains whether we are smart enough to kill, we ourselves, this present dying economy model soon enough, before it is too late for saving our Planet, or all of us are killed in the dying process of this sick world economy.
This book is based on previous papers of the author published within the International Dialogo Conference between 2018 and 2021, a conference on the dialogue between science and theology.