Emulsions in Oil Pipeline Flow Transport

Dr. Sharul Sham Dol
Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates.

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Book Details


Dr. Sharul Sham Dol




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-5547-297-7 (Print)
978-93-5547-299-1 (eBook)


November 26, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Sharul Sham Dol

Abu Dhabi University, United Arab Emirates.

The presence of emulsions in crude oil will lead to the formation of different flow regimes or flow patterns, which behave dissimilarly from the single-phase flow. This directly affects the transportation of the crude oil because mixture with different flow patterns needed different input power in order to pump the mixture. Higher operating costs are also needed to deal with the separation of emulsions from crude oil. This book will be useful to oil and gas industry as the design of pipeline which produces least emulsion can be used in real field.