Our Sun is the source of life-giving energy for our planet.
Is it possible for the Sun to act in some cases as an executor for humans, causing sudden death in certain circumstances?
The curious reader with scientific interests will find in the exposition of the book arguments in favor of this statement, based on satellite data and medical statistics.
The author has made an effort to create a scientifically based hypothetical mechanism explaining the deadly influence of the Sun on people on the planet Earth by the penetration of deadly radiation from the Sun, reaching the Earth surface under certain conditions. Based on the data, the author assumes that these are streams of high-energy positively charged particles, mainly alpha particles. They reach the surface of the planet in the form of relatively narrow short-lived flows and form spots of increased cardiac mortality on the Earth’s surface. The proposed hypothetical mechanism explains the limited area of lethal influence on the planet’s surface – in a strip parallel to the equator between 30 and 50 degrees north latitude – perhaps the most populated part of the world. The mechanism also outlines latitude-dependent time limits of increased risk during the year for people living at different latitudes in the said strip.