This book covers key areas of Medicine and Medical Research. The contributions by the authors include Anticancer activity, antioxidant activity, bio-active substances, black grapes, Hela cells, polyphenol, pulsed electric field, Maternal mortality, garbhini paricharya, pre-natal care, Prasuti Tantra, Ayurveda, Reproductive and Child Health Programme, Chordoma, clivus, nasopharynx, oropharynx, endoscopic excision, coblator, dysembryogenic tumors, Immunization, ReplicationCompetent, Viral Pathogen, Conventional Vaccination, Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1), Health Management Information Systems (HMIS), organizational factors, System performance, awareness of health policy, Hepatotoxicity, N-acetyl cysteine, paracetamol, protective & reversal effects, M. oleifera leaf extract, wistar albino rats, Surgical site infection, hip arthroplasty, hip replacement, risk factors, trauma surgery, Colostomy, colorectal resection, Hartmann technique, symphysiotomy, ileo-colon transplant, trans-sacral approach, Manual Colostomy Reversal, Renal neoplasms, differential diagnosis, ultrasonography, computed tomography, sign, Bosniak classification of renal cysts, exophytic renal mass, Thyroid function tests, FT4 , TSH, paired test, correlation, classification, Primary Hypo & Hyperthyrodism, paired test, classification, strategy, Thyroid Function Tests, Foreign body, esophagus, retrieval, thoracotomy, coin, Esophageal foreign bodies, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, Impacted oesophageal denture, surgery, cervical oesophagotomy, feeding gastrostomy, oesophageal diverticulum, rigid oesophagoscopy, Diaphragmatic rupture, gastric perforation, penetrating chest injury, thoracotomy, Herniated Intrathoracic Gastric Perforation, exploratory laparotomy, Autism, autism spectrum disorders, genomics, array-comparative genomic hybridization, microarray analysis, whole exome sequencing, synaptic transmission etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Medical research.