Current Practice in Medical Science Vol. 7

Dr. Sevgul Donmez
Faculty of Health Sciences, Gaziantep University, Turkey.

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Book Details


Dr. Sevgul Donmez




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-5547-705-7 (Print)
978-93-5547-706-4 (eBook)


July 25, 2022

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Sevgul Donmez

Faculty of Health Sciences, Gaziantep University, Turkey.

This book covers key areas of Medical Science. The contributions by the authors include Menopause, malignancy, cervix, endometrium, Coracoid, coraco-glenoid, morphometry, subcoracoid impingement syndrome, Dentistry, nursing, skills, cholangiocarcinoma, immunomodulatory activity, B-eudesmol, Multidetector computed tomography, blunt trauma, penetrating trauma, Carotid, dissection, stroke, hutchinson-gilford progeria, Cervical cancer, knowledge, attitude, Anticancer activity, breast cancer cell, DNA damage, killing tumor cells, gynecomastia, pathogenesis, Infectious diseases, kidney diseases, pediatric nephrology, nephronia, renal abscess, Tibial nerve, common peroneal nerve, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, physiotherapy, Otogenic tetanus, sevoflurane, labetolol, foreign body, and Unintentional injury. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Medical Science.