This book covers key areas of chemical science. The contributions by the authors include porous silicon, Pd nano-particles-assisted chemical etching, etching rate, electro oxidation, spetrophtometric data, Beer’s law and Sandell’s sensitivity, Hydro formylation, kinetics, pent and unspent engine oil, termite soil, metal uptake, adsorption kinetics, sulfadoxine, static quenching, spectral studies, docking studies, binding mechanism, antimicrobial activity, adsorption and ion exchange, thermodynamics, anion exchange, exchanger tulsion, chalcone, voltammetry, glassy carbon electrode, electrochemical determination, oxidation, synthetic phosphates, cleaning process, acylals, deprotection, Water–gas shift, nickel–ceria catalyst, microchannel, green chemistry, benign chemistry, environmental sustainability. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of chemical sciences.
Current Perspectives on Chemical Sciences Vol. 7
Dr. Syed A. A. Rizvi, (Editor)
Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hampton University School of Pharmacy (HUSOP), Flemmie P. Kittrell Hall, 121 William R. Harvey Way, Hampton, VA 23668, USA.
Book Details
Editor | Dr. Syed A. A. Rizvi |
Pages | 158 |
Publisher | Book Publisher International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-93-90516-66-7 (Print) |
Published | Feb 06, 2021 |