Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 5

Dr. Guang Yih Sheu, (Editor)
Associate Professor, Chang-Jung Christian University, Taiwan.

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Book Details


Dr. Guang Yih Sheu




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-91215-45-3 (Print)
978-93-91215-53-8 (eBook)


June 03, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Guang Yih Sheu

Associate Professor, Chang-Jung Christian University, Taiwan.

This book covers key areas of science and technology research. The contributions by the authors include flood simulation, geographical Information System, modeling, hydrologic response, visual model, geotextile, banana tree fiber, latex, sustainable material, dynamic soil penetrometer, conjoint analysis, value, Syrian mobile phone operators, globalization, digitalization, warehouse management system, third-party logistics, environment, warehousing, sustainability, software, automatization, systematic mapping study, digitalization, supply chain management, laser cladding, wetting, intermetallic phases, micro hardness, sliding wear, binary advantage, general theory of relativity, the special theory of relativity, particle – antiparticle, annihilation, mass – energy equivalence equation, resistivity, concentration, permeability, subsurface, chemical and septic wastes, ground water pollution, digital book, maximum entropy principle, contingency table, chi-square statistics, Lagrange’s multipliers and dependence measure. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of science and technology research.