Contemporary Research and Perspectives in Biological Science Vol. 7

Prof. Telat Yanik
Atatürk University, Turkey.

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Book Details


Prof. Telat Yanik




BP International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-48859-37-2 (Print)
978-93-48859-24-2 (eBook)


December 17, 2024

About The Author / Editor

Prof. Telat Yanik

Atatürk University, Turkey.

This book covers key areas of biological science. The contributions by the authors include nipah virus, encephalitis, viral transmission dynamics, therapeutic strategies, endometritis, livestock animals, diometr drug, sheep obstetric and gynecological diseases, pathology of reproductive organs, donkey genetic resources, phylogenetic analysis, bottleneck analysis, genetic diversity, antimicrobial activity, traditional medicines, ayurveda, tuber extracts, Coleus forskohlii, Moringa oleifera leaves, nutritional and medicinal values, phytochemicals, toxicity, growth hormone, cortisol, meat production, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, pre-pubertal growth stage, genotoxicity, chromosomal damage, mitotic index, hepatosomatic index, gonadosomatic index, reproductive biology, fecundity, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, antigen-antibody interactions, non-neutralizing antibodies, IgG and IgM antibodies, ELISA, virus neutralization, methylation, 5HT2C gene, Cys23ser polymorphism, RNA editing. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and academicians in the fields of biological science.