Chemical Warfare and Environmental Warfare Operations, Edition 1

Malik M.A. Fakron
University of Calabaria, Italy and University of Bright Star, Libya.

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Book Details


Malik M.A. Fakron




BP International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-49238-72-5 (Print)
978-93-49238-58-9 (eBook)


January 30, 2025

About The Author / Editor

Malik M.A. Fakron

University of Calabaria, Italy and University of Bright Star, Libya.

This book is designed to provide a complete, authoritative, current and readable chemical warfare and environmental warfare for chemical and environmental engineering researchers. It also offers special features that make it useful to military science researchers. Information is organized according to the sequences for the development of this science. This sequence builds new information on information already known. Because of the explosive increase in the number of recognized chemical warfare agents and environmental warfare agents, this book is defined as a new type of warfare operation, that is an environmental warfare operation. This type of warfare operation is done by many military armies worldwide, often without complete research study or design calculations for these kinds of operations. It involves the use of hazardous materials as warfare agents, which are spread over specific land areas. The aim of this book is to provide a complete guide for the hazards of different chemical substances, such as perfume or any other gases, as carriers for warfare agents. It also provides a useful read reference for chemistry, chemical warfare and chemical engineering researchers. This book defines the risk of different chemical substances (perfume, industrial waste, mining waste) against community public health.