Caring for the Older Persons Living with Dementia

Si Ching Lim
Senior Consultant Geriatrician, Changi General Hospital, Singapore.

Book Details


Si Ching Lim




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-90768-88-2 (Print)
978-93-90768-94-3 (eBook)


Feb 18, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Si Ching Lim

Senior Consultant Geriatrician, Changi General Hospital, Singapore.

Dementia is a group of neurodegenerative diseases with a whole host of symptoms, eventually leaving the individual dependent on their caregiver. During the course of the disease process, there is generalized failure of the brain with declining cognition and emergence of behavioural symptoms. The caregivers for people with dementia are at high risk of burn out due to the challenges faced on a day to day basis. The care needs are high, due to the declining cognition. The behavioural symptoms cause much distress to the caregivers as the symptoms are unpredictable and there are no recommended strategies to manage these symptoms. Medications often contribute minimally to the care of persons with dementia. The caregivers of persons with dementia experience frequent physical and emotional stress, with a high risk of burnout compared to the caregivers for persons without dementia. In certain communities, social services and community resources are often limited.

The book provides information to the caregivers for people with dementia, either at the home setting or at institutional setting. The chapters begin with a case history and go on to describe the commonly encountered problems. With the knowledge gained, the caregivers are more empowered to care for the people with dementia with patience and love.