The book titled, Applications of x-ray analysis: Tanzanian case studies is written with aim of disseminating results of a research work that covers Soil and Maize from Namungo Gold Mine in Ruangwa District, Lindi Region , Sardine Fish from Kivukoni, Kunduchi and Bagamoyo Fish Markets, Vegetables and Soils from Minjingu all in Tanzania Using X-ray Fluorescence Analysis. The interest has been to analyze and evaluate Heavy Metals concentrations in its correct values so that humans and living organisms may receive only permissible levels. Whenever the values exceed allowed amount, actions are recommended to national authorities for actions.
The book provides important features that any Scientists will need in order to write a good scientific report. In these book details of the methods of sampling, sample preparations, x-ray analytical techniques, theories, material and methods, as well as the discussions of the results and conclusions are given together with diverse references.
The book can be used by students doing experiments on x-ray Physics at both levels of undergraduate and postgraduate. The computational model is introduced to make the derivations, arguments and proofs valid.
The book may be useful for local and international users. In Tanzania, Institutions like, Tanzania Atomic Energy Agency (TAEC), Tanzania Medicine and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA), National Environmental Management Council (NEMC), Tanzania Bureau of standard (TBS) and Universities will find the book useful.
The author expresses his gratitude to the reviewers, University of Dar es salaam, Muslim University of Morogoro together with all students who have contributed to this book.