Administration or Finance Positions vs Teaching. Seeking Work Satisfaction and Professional Development

Mihail Diakomihalis,
Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Ioannina/ Hellenic Open University, Psathaki, 481 00 Preveza, Greece.
Eleni Bolovinou,
Ministry of Education / Primary Education, Psathaki, 481 00 Preveza, Greece.

Book Details


Mihail Diakomihalis
Eleni Bolovinou




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-5547-757-6 (Print)
978-93-5547-758-3 (eBook)


June 11, 2022

About The Author / Editor

Eleni Bolovinou

Ministry of Education / Primary Education, Psathaki, 481 00 Preveza, Greece.

Mihail Diakomihalis

Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Ioannina/ Hellenic Open University, Psathaki, 481 00 Preveza, Greece.

One of the effects of the financial crisis that erupted in 2008 was the phenomenon of transfers of Civil Servants, in order to reduce the operating costs of the Public Sector. The phenomenon of transfers has been widely applied in the field of education. Many teachers in a climate of insecurity and under the threat of dismissal, chose to apply to the Ministry of Education for a transfer either as a teacher in Primary Education or in administrative positions. After the first years of the financial and economic crisis, there is a constant flow of revocations of transfers and a pervasive reflection on the professional course of these teachers.

Since then, many teachers have been forced to choose to move to administrative positions in the Directorates of Education in order not to face the possibility of their dismissal or to secure a job closer to their place of permanent residence, but perhaps for other reasons. In addition to these teachers, there are many others who in the past, under different circumstances and perhaps for different reasons, were relocated, essentially changing their profession.

Transfer is a form of employee mobility and essentially means leaving a job and re-hiring. Conceptually, there are two types of transfers: Those that take place in education based on an institutional framework (L.1566 / 85, 3528/2007) and concern a change of grade and those that take place, compulsorily or almost compulsorily in the context of the administrative restructuring of public administration (N. 4024/2011, 4093/2012). The result of both forms is the change of the professional status of the employees-employees and the question arises as to whether and what kind of professional reorganization exists and what are its consequences.

From the organizations’ point of view, job satisfaction is a matter of major interest and this is justified by the fact that human resources are a very important factor for their operation. This is because job satisfaction is linked to their performance resulting in the financial and organizational development of organizations. From the employees’ point of view, job satisfaction is also very important for them, if we consider that an employee spends a large part of his day and life in his workplace and is often preoccupied with work issues outside of him and beyond working environment and hours.

In addition, the professional development of employees is particularly beneficial for organizations. Therefore, in order to support the human resources and to use them effectively, the organization should follow similar strategies so that there is professional satisfaction and the possibility of professional development.

In our case, the reasons that led teachers to their decision to transfer, the degree of professional satisfaction, the difficulties and the possibilities of their professional development, regardless of whether their decision was involuntary or voluntary, are issues that we consider necessary to be explored through this work.