Theory and Applications of Physical Science Vol. 1

Dr. Sebahattin Tüzemen, (Editor)
Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Atatürk University, Turkey.

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Book Details


Dr. Sebahattin Tüzemen




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-89246-70-4 (Print)
978-93-89246-71-1 (eBook)


November 21, 2019

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Sebahattin Tüzemen

Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Atatürk University, Turkey.

This book covers all areas of physical science. The contributions by the authors include superluminal signals, quantum electrodynamics, Heisenberg and Schrödinger representations, adiabatic hypothesis, Einstein–Maxwell equations, exact solutions, Kerr–Newman black holes, Newman–Janis algorithm, Mittag-Leffler function, time varying capacity function, convolution operation, Laplace transform, fractional derivative, microstructure, electron, photon, heat, energy, heat capacity, heat balance, losses coefficient, thermal conductivities, photons, quantum electrodynamics, Green’s functions, chaotic system, simulation, circuit model, analog circuit implementation, superluminal signals, quantum electrodynamics, excited atoms etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of physical science.