Disease and Health: Research Developments Vol. 5

Dr. Emmanouil Magiorkinis
General Hospital for Chest Diseases “Sotiria”, Greece.

SKU: DHRD-V5 Category: Tag:

Book Details


Dr. Emmanouil Magiorkinis




BP International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-49473-63-8 (Print)
978-93-49473-40-9 (eBook)


February 18, 2025

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Emmanouil Magiorkinis

General Hospital for Chest Diseases "Sotiria", Greece.

This book covers key areas of disease and health. The contributions by the authors include filarial infections, microfilaremia, human T-lymphotropic virus type 1, Loa loa infection, nutriceral buckwheat, bioactive compounds, hypoglycemic activity, anticancer activity, workplace lifestyle factors, depressive symptoms, lipid profile, obesity complications, body mass index, school oral health program, community dentistry, preventive dentistry, dental caries, motivational interviewing, chronic disease, Type 2 diabetes, essential fatty acids, dietary fats, stress management, yoga meditation, intrauterine-infection-inflammation, minimal brain dysfunction, musculoskeletal deformities, epidural analgesia, psychological therapy. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and academicians in the fields of disease and health.