Emerging Issues in Environment, Geography and Earth Science Vol. 9

Prof. Huan Yu
Chengdu University of Technology, China.

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Book Details


Prof. Huan Yu




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-81-971580-2-5 (Print)
978-81-971580-9-4 (eBook)


March 19, 2024

About The Author / Editor

Prof. Huan Yu

Chengdu University of Technology, China.

This book covers key areas of environment, geography and earth science. The contributions by the authors include breeding techniques, aquaculture, employment, hypophysation, groundwater quality assessment, climate change, anthropogenic activities, physico-chemical analysis, environmental challenges, degradation of water quality, water sustainability, water-agriculture-energy, economic valuation; interdependence, treeline dynamics, climatic tolerance, glaciofluvial deposits, tree growth, salinity gradient solar pond, renewable energy, solar thermal technologies, solar photovoltaic system, meteorological conditions, accurate weather forecasting, natural disaster, weather research and forecasting model, crop-damaging illnesses, wilt disease, cyclonic activities, global warming, road construction, quality control, dynamic cone penetrometer, relative compaction, fossil fuels, anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric pollutants, PM2.5 pollution. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers, and  academicians in the field of environment, geography and earth science.