This book covers key areas of mathematics and computer science. The contributions by the authors include duration of illness, Length of stay, Mardia test, mental disorder, multivariate normal distribution, Psychiatric rating scale, multivariate modelling, human face recognition, fourth – order Biharmonic equation, finite difference, cognitive behaviour therapy, mini mental status examination, simulation, zero one truncated binomial distribution, history of mathematics, education of mathematics, edge detection, flatfoot, medical image processing, GS lattice, soft valuation, soft pseudo metric lattice, soft metric lattice, soft topological lattice, neighborhood prime labeling, star graph, flower graph, comb graph, duplication, fusion, vertex switching, comparative fit index, eysenck personality questionnaire, parental mental health, root mean square error, structural equation models, mean graphs, line graphs, bimean graphs, conceptual design, management system architecture, real-time systems, system design methodology, ontological knowledge bases, Quasi-differential expressions, product operators, regular and singular end-points, singular differential operators, deficiency indices, direct sum spaces. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of mathematics and computer science.
Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Vol. 5
Dr. Belkacem Chaouchi, (Editor)
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Khemis Miliana University, Algeria.
Book Details
Editor | Dr. Belkacem Chaouchi |
Pages | 147 |
Publisher | B P International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-93-91473-37-2 (Print) |
Published | July 15, 2021 |