Investigating Projectile Penetration of Concrete Blocks Reinforced by Different Material

Mohamed Yassin Ibrahim Laissy
Structural Engineering, Egypt.

Book Details


Mohamed Yassin Ibrahim Laissy




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-91595-03-6 (Print)
978-93-91473-27-3 (eBook)


July 13, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Mohamed Yassin Ibrahim Laissy

Structural Engineering, Egypt.

Impact loading analysis may take the form of design against impact damage requiring an analysis under high rate loading or design for acceptable energy absorption, or a combination of the two. Impact resistance of a structure is defined as its ability to absorb and dissipate the energy delivered to it during relatively high-speed collisions with other objects without sustaining damage that would damage its intended performance.

The aim is to present and collect the results of published studies with a specific focus on the mechanical response of the different materials used to reduce the impact loading. Different materials, including Ceramics, fibers, polymers, Metals and nanomaterials, with high potentials to enhance the mechanical properties of reinforced composites are introduced covering different types of material used in this aspect in different research related to penetration reduction calculation as well as the implications of the different methods used.