A Guidebook to Qualitative Inorganic Analysis

Parag Sinchan Roy
Professor of Chemistry (Retd.) University of North Bengal West Bengal, India.

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Book Details


Parag Sinchan Roy




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-91312-69-5 (Print)
978-93-91312-77-0 (eBook)


June 24, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Parag Sinchan Roy

Professor of Chemistry (Retd.) University of North Bengal West Bengal, India.

Qualitative Inorganic Analysis is an integral part of the chemistry curriculum starting from the Higher Secondary level to the Post-graduate classes, through the Undergraduate course. It is able to transmit a first-hand account of classical chemistry along with its underlying principles to the students, which no amount of theoretical classes could replace. It prepares them mentally to face chemical challenges in greater life.

In view of the availability of standard text books on this subject, the scope of this book is restricted to providing guidelines to the students for solving systematically the unknown inorganic samples, within the stipulated time period of a practical examination. Depending on the composition of an unknown sample, the procedure has to be modulated for solving it.  This is possible only when the student possesses intimate knowledge about the associated chemistry of the dry / preliminary tests and the wet test as well as the ability in drawing the nudge in the right direction from the colour and solubility of the samples.

 It will be gratitude on the part of the author, if the students and the teachers find this book useful for practical classes. Feedbacks from the past students enriched this write up.

The author is grateful to Professor Biswajit Sinha, University of North Bengal, for his suggestions in writing a book on this topic. The kind assistance of Professor Jnan Prakash Naskar, Jadavpur University, is also acknowledged for a critical assessment of the manuscript. Active participation of the staff members in essential for implementing such a task; a few names may be mentioned in this connection, e.g., Late Prasanta Kumar De, Sri Haradhan Nag, Sri Amit Sarkar, Sri Jogen Mandal, Sri Subrata Roy, Sri Samit Majumder and Sri Amardeep Sharma. Necessary infrastructural support has been provided by the University of North Bengal. Typographical assistance has been received from Sri Debaprasad Roy.

This is an opportunity of the author in offering tributes to his teachers (both at the B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels) for their untiring efforts in imparting hands – on – training to the students on the present topic.

Dr Rita Roy, formerly a Research Scholar of Indian Association of Cultivation Science, Kolkata, deserves her due for sharing her experience on this topic.

The author is open to suggestions regarding improvements of this book.