Recent Developments in Engineering Research Vol. 12

Dr. Rodolfo Dufo Lopez, (Editor)
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Spain.

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Book Details


Dr. Rodolfo Dufo Lopez




B P International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-90768-40-0 (Print)
978-93-90768-48-6 (eBook)


May 29, 2021

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Rodolfo Dufo Lopez

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Zaragoza, Spain.

This book covers key areas of engineering research. The contributions by the authors include   green building, regionalism, traditional architecture, architectural environment, impact factors, directions of the creation and designing, sustainable development, cost and time optimization, mechanical energy, probabilistic fatigue life, complex structure, time-dependent, artificial neural network, surrogate model, magnetic intermetallics, electronic structure calculations, phase stability prediction, electricity generation, fossil fuels, hard coal consumption, energy sources structure, trends and changes in electricity production, adaptive spatial filter, wavelet domain, noise reduction, medical imaging, hierarchical correlation map, wavelet functions, banking industry, movie recommender system, user similarity, opinion mining, aspect extraction, Mobile Ad hoc Networks, convolution windows, side lobe level ratio, transesterification, biodiesel, heterogeneous catalyst, large eddy simulation, turbulence modeling, combustion, combustor modeling, gas turbine, thermal boundary, industrialized building system, analytical hierarchy process, expert choice comparison, S-band electron linac for RI production, X-band portable electron linac, dynamic tracking cancer therapy, on-site X-ray bridge inspection, table-top laser doelectric electron/ion accelerator, dynamic observation of DNA damage/repair by radiation. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of engineering research.