This book covers key areas of environment, geography and earth Science. The contributions by the authors include Conservation, urban heritage, radio refractivity, meteorological parameters, refractivity gradients, troposphere, oil water characteristic curve, suction, unsaturated soil, membrane technique, Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew, Eastern Orthodoxy, climate change, allies, remote sensing, natural disasters, disaster management, competence, geological materials, geoelectric sections, bedrock structures, building development, coral reef, marine ecosystem, coral speciation, electrical resistivity imaging, groundwater potential, transmissivity, Plasma, polsrization, giromagnetic ratio. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of environment, geography and earth Sciences.
International Research in Environment, Geography and Earth Science Vol. 7
Dr. Mustafa Turkmen, (Editor)
Professor, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science & Arts, Giresun University, Turkey.
Book Details
Editor | Dr. Mustafa Turkmen |
Pages | 158 |
Publisher | Book Publisher International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-93-90516-28-5 (Print) |
Published | Dec 29, 2020 |