Insights into Economics and Management Vol. 3

Dr. Chun-Chien Kuo, (Editor)
Professor, Department of International Business, National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan.

Book Details


Dr. Chun-Chien Kuo




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-90516-05-6 (Print)
978-81-948567-8-8 (eBook)


Nov 19, 2020

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Chun-Chien Kuo

Professor, Department of International Business, National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan.

This book covers key areas of Economics and Management. The contributions by the authors include Stock return, volatility, trading volume, stable TGARCH, Return Volatility, Threshold GARCH Models, Gaussian distribution, The likelihood ratio test, Agricultural commodity, volatility spillover, volatility impulse response function, Food and Agriculture Organization, Golf participation rates, Tiger Woods effect, celebrity endorser, Electoral lemon problem, campaign expenditures, candidate quality, quality signaling, Bayesian equilibrium, asymmetric information, Attribute value quality index, data profiling, data quality, data value quality index, feature scaling, attribute value quality index (AVQI), structured data value quality index (SDVQI), Industrial Revolution, Assessing, NDE, strategy, poverty, reduction, problem of unemployment and poverty, Nigerian factors, people’s progress and national development, Human capital management practices, organizational climate, organizational commitment, perceived organizational performance, human capital in Latin America, Commitment and Performance, Financial theory, Egyptian investors, stock analysis, anchoring theory, loss aversion, standards of the behavioral finance, investors’ perception regarding market trend, B2B e-commerce, e-readiness, small medium enterprises, maturity assessment application, maturity level, business-to-business (B2B), International multimodal multicommodity network, simultaneous transportation network equilibrium model, integrated transport network, integrated transport system, international freight transport, exporters, importers, External reserves, economic growth, foreign direct investment, exchange rate etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Economics and Management.