This book covers key areas of Science and Technology. The contributions by the authors include Silicone joint sealant; characterization of construction materials; Raman spectra of building sealants; reflectance spectra of silicone sealants, Technology; climate change; energy; energy efficiency; building energy assessment; HVAC; façade systems; passive design; smart materials; intelligent buildings, Vanadium nitride; organic-inorganic composite; foam, Crystalline Material, Thermodynamic; entropy; quantum statistics; energy levels; stock market, Information assurance; analytical hierarchy process; defense in depth; information technology, Information assurance; bayesian networks; influence diagrams; defense in depth; information technology; network security; Information assurance; Latin square design model; defense in depth; information technology; network security; cybersecurity, Work efficiency; environment; lighting parameters; workspace design, Efficiency and Comfort, Tensile strength; wood; hardwood; least square method, Tropical Wood Species, Stiffness; bending; beam theory; least square, Pinus caribaea Round Timber Logs, Psychology; communication; hearing difficulties; deaf device; silence, Safe bearing capacity; shallow foundations; cohesion-less soil; angle of internal friction; correlation; principle of least squares; analytical equations, Atterberg limits; calibration curve; Soil behavior; through transmission technique; ultrasonic pulse velocity, Energy; electric energy demand per capita; genetic algorithm; estimation of future electric power demand, Capacity; pen; logistics; decay; waste, Logistic Growth Model etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of Science and Technology.
New Ideas Concerning Science and Technology Vol. 1
Dr. Suraya Hani Bt Adnan, (Editor)
Associate Professor, Department Civil Engineering Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia.
Book Details
Editor | Dr. Suraya Hani Bt Adnan |
Pages | 164 |
Publisher | Book Publisher International |
Language | English |
ISBN-13 (15) | 978-93-90149-70-4 (Print) |
Published | Oct 27, 2020 |