Emerging Trends in Engineering Research and Technology Vol. 10

Dr. Natt Makul, (Editor)
Assistant Professor, Building Technology, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand.

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Book Details


Dr. Natt Makul




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-90206-83-4 (Print)
978-93-90206-84-1 (eBook)


Sep 02, 2020

About The Author / Editor

Dr. Natt Makul

Assistant Professor, Building Technology, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand.

This book covers key areas of engineering and technology and other related fields. The contributions by the authors include ducted wind turbine, tall buildings, permanent magnet rotor, Catia V5, computational fluid dynamics, vapour compression refrigeration, varying area augmented evaporator, coefficient of performance, waste heat recovery, decomposition, benders, green networks, optimization, traffic engineering, soft magnetic composites, scaling, binary relations, pseudo-state equation, mill scale, fine aggregate, concrete, sustainability, combinational logic circuit, sequential logic circuits, QCA, majority gate, MgFe2O4, nanograins, superparamagnetic, B-H curves, transport properties, stability, finite element method, pipe conveyed fluid, linear spring stiffness, polymer composites, polyester thermoplastic, mica, second language acquisition, language skills, programmed instruction, digital devices, first language Influence, Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) (PMMA), Fly Ash Cenospheres (FAC), Methyl Methacrylate–Acrylonitrile -Butadiene–Styrene (MABS), mechanical and thermal properties, chitin, chitosan, nanomembranes, crystallinity, shrimp, crab etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of engineering and technology.