Trends in Pharmaceutical Research and Development Vol. 1

Dr. M. V. N. L. Chaitanya, (Editor)
Assistant Professor, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Pharmacy( Pharmacognosy), Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia.

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Book Details


Dr. M. V. N. L. Chaitanya




Book Publisher International



ISBN-13 (15)

978-93-89562-38-5 (Print)
978-93-89562-39-2 (eBook)


March 31, 2020

About The Author / Editor

Dr. M. V. N. L. Chaitanya

Assistant Professor, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Pharmacy( Pharmacognosy), Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia.

This book covers all areas of pharmaceutical research. The contributions by the authors histomorphology; nephrotoxicity; vascular degeneration; myofascial pain syndrome; myofascial trigger points; taut muscle; myofascial massage therapy; regional pain syndromes; medicinal plants; therapeutic choice validation; Spilanthes paniculata; paracetamol; oxidative stress; propranolol; pharmacokinetics; thioacetamide; liver fibrosis; Rhamnus prinoides; rhamnaceae; radical scavenging assay; antibacterial activity; hexane extracts; ethyl acetate extracts; chloroform extracts; asteraceae; Olea europea; Ephedra fragilis; Ecballium elaterium; immunostimulant effects; heart disease; monotherapy; myocardial tissue; mechanism of drugs; herbal oral health drinks; aqueous extract; remnant tumour; adenocarcinoma; urachal cyst; carcinomas; cystoscopy; Crytomeric japonia; Lindera umbellata; Thujopsis dolabrata; balofloxacin; gatifloxacin; levofloxacin; moxifloxacin; prulifloxacin; sparfloxacin; gastroretentive etc. This book contains various materials suitable for students, researchers and academicians in the field of pharmaceutical research.